ROSI - Region of Social innovations
Project name: ROSI - Region of Social innovations
The general goal of the project is to create an environment and support system for the development of social innovations in the cross-border region. The project aims to create systemic solutions for social innovations in the cross-border region through the development of an educational concept, the creation of Living Labs for social innovations, a group of actors supporting social initiatives, and an online knowledge base tool for idea exchange and cooperation.
Carbon Neutral Schools
The project aims to create digital materials for educational institutions to reduce their carbon footprint in line with the European Green Deal, which aims for Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2030. Project results include the mapping of factors affecting the reduction of carbon footprint in partner country schools, development of an interactive e-elearning modules on reducing carbon footprint in educational institutions, and a set of tools for Green Ambassadors responsible for raising awareness about the importance of reducing carbon footprint in their communities.
Erasmus Accreditation in the Field of Adult Education
AEI Studium is a proud owner of an Erasmus+ Accreditation in the field of adult education until 2027. In scope of accredited projects we organize staff and adult learner mobilities all around Europe. Through the mobilities, we're developing the capacities of our institution and helping our learners in the acquisition of important skills.
The project aims to develop competencies in the use of telecare technology among nurses and other healthcare professionals. Telecare in medicine is defined as a mechanism that encompasses medical services and health education for the public via information technology. It enables users to provide health assistance and consultations remotely through various digital tools. The project will focus on developing the digital skills and knowledge necessary for using telecare technology in healthcare.
The project aims to increase the employability of highly educated immigrants by developing methods and tools that will facilitate the assessment, enhancement, and recognition of their previously acquired qualifications and skills, as well as enable career guidance and entry into the labor market.
Text it Easy!
Clear language is a method that helps reduce inequality and discrimination in written communication. It is an international standard that facilitates understanding written information in both digital and physical formats. The project's goal is to raise awareness about clear language in all sectors, primarily in education and training, making it easier for citizens to access information and communicate with their surroundings, thus promoting their inclusion in society.
Environmentally Responsive Next Generation
The goal is to understand climate change and ecological footprints, measure carbon and water footprints, and recognize the damage they cause to the environment. By the end of the project, participants will be able to see the impact they have on the environment and the footprints they leave behind. Through participation in the project, they will also develop a proactive approach to finding solutions to reduce their environmental impact.
Learning opportunities for digital literacy of low qualified workers – In+ (2024-1-MK01-KA220-ADU-000250334)
The goal of the In+ project is to strengthen the digital and economical inclusion of low qualified workers through the development of adjusted and flexible learning activities and improve the EU values and learning opportunities in the adult education community.
Climate Friendly Farmer Guide: Adaptation Calendar for Women Farmers
The project aims to support women employed in the agriculture sector in adopting agricultural practices that are aligned with climate change and to strengthen their digital skills through the development and implementation of a mobile app for tracking climate change.
Precautionary Measures to Take During a Pandemic and Sports Activities That Will Maintain Our Health.
Search for Knowledge
The goal of the project was to provide access to the labour market for inactive young people and empower them for active participation in the society. More than 15 NEET participants have succesfully finished formal education programs and went through the mentoring process in order to increase their employability and promote their inclusion in the society.
The project aims to provided access for inactive young people to the labor market and empowered them for active participation through outreach and education activities. The project impacted a total of 25 young individuals, facilitating the education and career guidance needed to escape their NEET status.
The goal of the "STEP UP" project was to enhance and implement professional practice for students at the "Lavoslav Ružička" Polytechnic in Vukovar in order to enable them to acquire practical knowledge and skills and increase their employability. The project included the development of a web and mobile app, implementation of a new information system, and the eastablishment of a career development center.
Youth for Active Citizenship
The goal of the project was to develop key competencies for civic engagement among unemployed youth in the local area. Twenty-five young people were included in the soft skills and civic competencies development program. The project improved the capacities of the NGOs through education and best practices exchange with Norwegian partners.
Accessible Tourism for All
The goal of the project was to develop and implement a new training program for persons with disabilities in the tourism sector. Project results include development of the methodology for adult education programs targeted at persons with disabilities and the establishment of a career guidance center for persons with disabilitites. Twelve persons succesfully finished the education program and advanced their visibility and inclusion in the society.
Goal of the project was to improve the competencies related to teaching contemporary ICT tools for teachers and other educational workers of schools in the Vukovar-Srijem County. Over 30 teachers participated in the training program with the topics such as AI in education, Data analyses for Schools, Collaboration and Communication in e-learning, Agility for school employees and ICT tools in teaching learners with learning disabilities. The training was complemented with the development of an e-Learning module with digital materials to use in classrooms.
Entrepreneurship and Continuous Improvement in AEI Studium
The goal of this KA1 Erasmus+ project was to enhance digital skills of the employees of AEI Studium. During two mobilities to Huelva in Spain, they have learned how to use digital tools in order to communicate and collaborate more effectively, manage projects, teach groups online and build digital capacities of our institution.
FLOW: Fun, Learning, Opportunities, Well-Being
The goal of the project was to develop and share innovative methods for foreign language learning in adult education in order to enhance the quality of the educational process for adult learners. The project was focused on methods such as learning through music, learning through theatre and drama, emotional intelligence in edult learning and many more.
Becoming a Global Witness via Digital Toolkit
The goal of the project was to develop and implement a transformative learning method called Global Social Witnessing (GSW), aimed at raising awareness among individuals to engage responsibly with global issues. The project will create a GSW curriculum and an e-learning platform with various educational resources, including interviews and guided meditations.
The purpose of the project was to improve and innovate education about renewable energy sources, especially solar enegry, for vocational education and training learners. The project included the development of learning modules, video lessons and energy 4.0 model prototype.
The project has aimed to develop a unique methodology for creating educational programs based on micro-competencies and learning outcomes. Project topics include the recognition of skills acquired through informal learning, harmonization of programs for acquiring microqualifications at the international level, and implementation of a system for issuing digital credentials in the work of educational institutions
IT Community Region
To encourage cross-border cooperation among IT professionals in knowledge acquisition and business agreement formation through a cluster model as a tool for business initiative growth. The project included equipping youth centers for implementing educational VR activities with the local youth.
Increasing the Efficiency of Učilište Studium's Operations through the Application of ICT
This project aimed to modernize the operations of AEI Studium. A modern software solution was implemented to optimize business processes, increase efficiency, and improve competitiveness. The project enhanced processes such as human resources management, finance, accounting, strategic planning, risk management, procurement, sales, logistics, and marketing.
The goal was to address workforce emigration by improving skills and knowledge tailored to labor market demands through collaboration between businesses, education providers, and workers. An Entrepreneurship academy has been developed and implemented with over 120 participants from Croatia.
The goal was to increase employability of vulnerable groups from Slavonia and Baranja in the tourism and hospitality sector and improve the competencies of trainers and mentors.Throughout the project, members of marginalized groups attended aducation programs which eqipped them with skills needed in the labour market, while trainers and adult educators developed skills crucial for teaching and mentoring these groups.
New Knowledge for New Jobs in Tourism
The purpose of the project was to build the capacities for employability in the Vukovar-Srijem County by preparing and implementing innovative initiatives for employment in tourism and enhancing the competencies of trainers and mentors in the sector.
The project was aimed at enhanceing the labor market competitiveness of the target groups by improving knowledge, skills, and competencies of adults with less opportunities in Slavonia, Baranja, and Srijem through training, specialization, and reskilling programs. Our participants succesfully finished edult education programs in the field of mechanics, renewable energy, hospitality and other deficit occupations.
To increase employability and self-employment opportunities for vulnerable groups through innovative agricultural programs focused on sustanability and ecology in the Vukovar-Srijem County. The target groups were unemployed individuals belonging to vulnerable groups defined by regional human resource strategies.
The project aims to enhance the employability of vulnerable groups by strengthening knowledge and skills in sectors with market demand. It will focus on training young people, women, persons with disabilities, and minorities for project management, EU project collaboration, and digital marketing through formal and informal education and mentorship.
Schools of Diverse Equalities
To increase the capacities of educational institutions in Vukovar-Srijem County for the development of intercultural and digital literacy by creating and implementing new extracurricular activities. The project aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of educational workers in these areas, develop two extracurricular activities for high schools and four for elementary schools, and create the Portal of Schools of Equal Diversities.
The project was aimed at improving the quality of life and developing of skills for the unemployed individuals in the local community. Three education programs developed based on actual labor market needs. Over sixty unemployed individuals successfully completed their training in the sector of hospitality and tourism, with a 70% employment rate after the project's end.
Eco is Cool
The main goal of the project was to develop a new occupation and qualification standards for the occupation „Ecological Producer of Vegetables and Hrebs“. By doing this, we have strengthened the capacities of adult education institutions, and over forty individuals succesfully finished the formal training and obtained new qualifications.
Taste of Tradition
The goal of the project is to strengthen the capacity of institutions for adult education, as part of which we developed a new program "Traditional Couisine Chef" in the areas of Slavonia and Istria and published a cookbook of traditional Slavonia and Istria cousine in Croatian, Italian and English language in 800 copies.
Wellness Chef for Wellness Tourism in Primorje and Slavonija
The goal of the project is to strengthen the capacity of institutions for adult education, as part of which a new training curriculum "Chef for wellness and diet nutrition" was developed and thirty learners succesfully finished the program.
New Professions for New Technologies
The purpose of the project was to create a sustainable model for including unemployed individuals in the labor market of the Vukovar-Srijem County. The project was focused on innovative training programs such as 3D modeling and printing, working of big data systems in industry, and managing potentials in human resources.
Include Me!
The main aim was to increase employment opportunities for youth and unemployed individuals in Vukovar by enhancing their skills and knowledge through social inclusion programs and educational initiatives tailored to labor market needs. The participants strehgthen their soft and transversal skills and participated in contemporary education programs such as beer brewing, animation in tourism, EU project development and digital marketing.
Speak Outside the Box!
The goal of the project was to enhance interpersonal and communication skills of AEI Studium employees through public speaking and rhetoric courses with the purpose of improving the impact and visibility of our work in the society and enhance the communication and collaboration within the institution.
Croatian Quality
The project aimed to enhance the competitiveness and recognition of the services provided by AEI Studium. As the first institution in Croatia to receive the "Croatian Quality" label for adult education, the project was focused on the extention of this quality recognition to its branches in Vinkovci and Bjelovar, as well as the improvement of foreign language teaching quality.
The goal of the project was to enhance the capacity of civil society organizations in Vukovar-Srijem County to respond to local community needs in crisis situations through sports activities. The project was focused at local NGOs that participate in capacity building activities relevant to their area of work
The purpose was to develop and implement modern approaches to enhancing entrepreneurial skills through a digital course. As a result, an e-learning course was developed, comprising five modules. Each of the modules represented one of the crucial traits of a successful entrepreneur in the culture sector.
The goal was to enhance teachers' competencies in using VR technology and implementing it in adult education. The project included the development of an e-platform for teachers and trainers with VR content and a VR community for learning and best practice exchange. A training was implemented in each project country to develop the skills of our teachers in using VR as a teaching tool in their classrooms.
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